Glooko permet aux cliniques et aux diabétiques de soigner gratuitement les patients à distance afin de réduire les risques dans le cadre de la pandémie

DÉCLARATION DE GLOOKO CONCERNANT LE SERVICE COVID-19 MOUNTAIN VIEW, Californie, 20 mars 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Tout au long de cette période difficile de pandémie de COVID-19, Glooko, un éditeur de logiciels de gestion du diabète de premier plan permettant aux diabétiques et aux cliniciens…

Společnost Glooko zpřístupňuje klinikám a lidem s diabetem bezplatnou lékařskou péči na dálku za účelem minimalizace rizika během pandemie

PROHLÁŠENÍ SPOLEČNOSTI GLOOKO VE VÉCI SLUŽEB SPOJENÝCH S VIREM COVID-19 MOUNTAIN VIEW, Kalifornie, 20. března 2020 /PRNewswire/ — V tomto náročném období pandemie viru COVID-19 je Glooko, se přední softwarová společnost pro cukrovku, která umožňuje lidem s diabetem a klinickým lékařům…

Glooko posibilita que las clínicas médicas y las personas con diabetes minimicen el riesgo durante la pandemia

DECLARACIÓN DE GLOOKO ASUNTO: SERVICIO SOBRE COVID-19 MOUNTAIN VIEW, California, 20 de marzo de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Durante este difícil tiempo de la pandemia del COVID-19, Glooko, una empresa líder de software para la diabetes que permite a las personas con diabetes y a los médicos…

Glooko umożliwia klinikom i diabetykom zdalną opiekę nad pacjentami bez opłat w celu zminimalizowania ryzyka w trakcie pandemii

OŚWIADCZENIE GLOOKO ODNOŚNIE USŁUG ZWIĄZANYCH Z COVID-19 MOUNTAIN VIEW, Kalifornia, 20 marca 2020 r. /PRNewswire/ — W tym trudnym okresie pandemii wirusa COVID-19 firma Glooko, wiodący producent oprogramowania diabetycznego umożliwiającego diabetykom i lekarzom zarządzanie opieką w…

Helping Customers During This Time of Need: All EEI Member Companies Suspend Electricity Disconnects

WASHINGTON, March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Edison Electric Institute (EEI) President Tom Kuhn today announced that all EEI member companies are suspending electricity disconnects for non-payment nationwide. Many companies already have made this commitment in their local service…

BBVA USA to modify branch service across its footprint in response to COVID-19

HOUSTON, March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — BBVA USA today announced that it would be closing most of its 637 branch lobbies and instead serving customers through its drive-thrus as a proactive measure to protect the health and well-being of customers, employees and communities, as well as do…

Investor Alert: Kaplan Fox Announces Investigation Of Align Technology, Inc.

NEW YORK, March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP ( is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Align Technology, Inc. (“Align” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ALGN). A complaint has been filed against the Company on behalf of investors that purchased…

Investor Alert: Kaplan Fox Announces Investigation Of Six Flags Entertainment

NEW YORK, March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP ( is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Six Flags Entertainment (“Six Flags or the “Company”) (NYSE: SIX). A complaint has been filed against the Company on behalf of investors that…

Investor Alert: Kaplan Fox Announces Investigation Of HP Inc.

NEW YORK, March 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP ( is investigating claims on behalf of investors of HP Inc. (“HP” or the “Company”) (NYSE: HPQ). A complaint has been filed against the Company on behalf of investors that purchased HP common stock…

AGC Biologics participará virtualmente en el BIO-Europe Spring

AGC Biologics patrocina el decimocuarto congreso anual BIO-Europe Spring SEATTLE, 20 de marzo de 2020 /PRNewswire/ — AGC Biologics se enorgullece de ser un patrocinador gold del BIO-Europe Spring, el evento de partnering más importante de la industria biotecnológica en Europa. Este año,…

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