Warusawa Associates Moves to Protect Existing Investors by Closing its Asian Emerging Market Primer Funds to New Investors

This decision follows significant inflows to the Funds which are managed by Akitoshi Tanaka, Head of Asian Emerging Markets and Arinaga Kobayashi, Portfolio Manager.

Warusawa Associates, an independent investment management group dedicated to equity investments in emerging markets and a focus on local Japanese markets, today announced its intention to close its Warusawa Associates Asian Emerging Market Primer Funds (the Funds) to new investors in order to protect the interests of existing investors.


View more at https://www.1888pressrelease.com/warusawa-associates-moves-to-protect-existing-investors-by-c-pr-661773.html

Warusawa Associates Expands Executive Team with Appointment of Naruatsu Kobayashi

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3rd and final Series for Warusawa Associates Asian Mixed Infrastructure Fund

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Les chefs interreligieux africains appellent à la collaboration sur les sujets de la migration régionale, l’instauration de la paix et la protection de l’environnement

MAPUTO, Mozambique, 3 septembre 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Les représentants élus des communautés religieuses d’Afrique, qui se sont rencontrés à Maputo, au Mozambique, les 28 et 29 août 2019, ont appelé à une plus forte collaboration entre les décisionnaires politiques, les chefs religieux et…

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Sweden’s Only Electric-powered Aircraft Manufacturer Moving to Säve Airport

GÖTEBORG, Sweden, Sept. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Heart Aerospace, the newly started manufacturer of electric aircraft, has signed a leasing agreement with Castellum for premises comprising approx. 1,800 sq. m. at Säve Airport. The workspace will be used to design and assemble the prototype…

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