Monitoring des médias sociaux : Grâce à l’intelligence artificielle, Consline AG marque un tournant dans le domaine de la reconnaissance automatisée d’information pertinente

MUNICH, July 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ —
Basée sur leur technologie en évolution constante et sur une méthodologie spécifique, l’entreprise allemande Consline AG a réalisé une avancée dans le domaine de la reconnaissance automatisée de publications relevantes. Cette technologie se fonde…

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Benjamin, Chaise & Associates-Debt Collection Myths

Benjamin Chaise & Associates, America’s best Collection Agency reveals the top two misconceptions about Debt Collectors and debunks the negative myths associated with the Debt Recovery Industry.

Throughout the years, the Debt Collection Industry has received a bad reputation of being the bad guys. Many people associate the industry with poor customer service, overly aggressive, & unsympathetic Debt Collectors. However, this is simply not always the case. While it is the Debt Collectors main priority to recover unpaid debts, at Benjamin, Ch..

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BlueLine Grid Innovation Connects Mobile Devices to Land Mobile Radios

 (PRNewsfoto/BlueLine Grid)BETHESDA, Md., July 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — BlueLine Grid today announced another first-of-its-kind application to advance collaboration, this time between land mobile radios and BlueLine Grid’s GeoGrid mobile push-to-talk (PTT) app.    
The Bethesda-based startup…

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Jamaican Government Enters into a Formal Memorandum of Understanding with Biojam for Industrial Research Park

Biojam plans to begin the feasibility study in the fall on the industrial research park which will strengthen Jamaica’s existing and future science and technology as well as encourage direct foreign investment.

KINGSTON, Jamaica ─ The Jamaican government is taking steps to establish and develop a first-class industrial research park which will strengthen Jamaica’s existing and future science and technology as well as encourage direct foreign investment. Through the National Commission on Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, and Energy and Te..

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Huawei est placé comme « challenger » dans le Magic Quadrant de Gartner pour ses pare-feu destinés aux entreprises

SHENZHEN, Chine, 19 juillet 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei, un grand fournisseur mondial de solutions TIC, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il a été placé dans le quadrant des « Challengers » du Magic Quadrant 2017 de Gartner pour ses pare-feu destinés aux entreprises. Le Magic Quadrant de Gartner co…

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Huawei posicionado como retador en el informe Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Firewalls

SHENZHEN, China, 18 de julio de 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei, un proveedor de soluciones de tecnología de información y comunicaciones (TIC) líder en el mundo, ha anunciado hoy su posicionamiento en el cuadrante de Retadores en el informe 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise…

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Mobile Creche Market in the US 2017-2021

LONDON, July 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — About Mobile CrecheMobile creches are day-care facilities provided by on-demand service providers such as Pots of Fun and Rise and Shine Childcare. Unlike traditional day-care facilities, vendors of mobile creche services send caretakers to the…

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Mortenson Creates First-of-Its-Kind Augmented Reality App for Construction Visualization

After pioneering the use of virtual design in construction, Mortenson Construction has developed a first-of-its-kind augmented reality (AR) mobile app to help the University of Washington community “see” its future CSE2 computer science building – well before its doors open to students in January 2019. Users can experience the building’s exterior in AR, and can then teleport inside for an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience.SEATTLE, July 18, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — After pioneering the use of virtual design in construction, Mortenson Construction has developed a first-of-its-kind augmented reality (AR) mobile app to help the University of Washington community “see” the future CSE2 computer science…

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LIQWID Releases the ad.Inject Library Enabling Digital Publishers for a Complete Automation of Advertising Inventory Based on Viewable-Only Ads Transacted Through a Real Time Dutch Auction

LIQWIDLAS VEGAS, July 17, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Expanding capabilities of its ad.Inject, an award winning ad delivery and campaign management system, LIQWID releases the ad.Inject Library, enabling digital publishers for a complete automation of advertising inventory based on 100 percent viewable…

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Matrix Data Center: monitoramento proativo é fundamental para o controle de recursos de TI

SÃO PAULO, 17 de julho de 2017 Já é mais do que sabido que um data center de alta disponibilidade é essencial para garantir fluidez às operações de um ambiente tecnológico. Entretanto, é preciso haver também uma equipe proativa atuando em conjunto com ferramentas eficientes, capazes de…

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