Epom To Enhance Ad Serving Solutions

This month Epom Ad Server has introduced new and valuable improvements to its ad serving platform’s basic functionality, and also expanded it by launching the new features.

This month, Epom Ad Server, a global provider of advanced technical solutions for ad serving and management, operated by Epom Ltd., has introduced some new and valuable improvements to its ad serving platform’s basic functionality, and also expanded it by launching the new features.

One of the key innovations is enhancement of Impression Measur..

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Web Rehab Now Is Revolutionizing Online Healthcare with New Service

Healthcare costs are rising and access to medical professionals is becoming more difficult to achieve. Web Rehab Now is offering a new service to make access to expert treatment programs affordable and easy.

Millions of Americans could not afford regular medical visits and follow up care in the past year. Healthcare costs continue to rise and insurance coverage is becoming more limited, with more uncertainty on the horizon. People are foregoing treatments they need because they cannot afford co-pays, health insurance, or they don’t have the time to g..

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ITS Game 2013 ocorrerá nos dias 27 e 28 de junho de 2013 no Sheraton-Walker-Hill Hotel de Seul

SEUL, Coreia do Sul, 27 de maio de 2013 /PRNewswire/ — O ITS Game 2013 é organizado pela KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) e é um evento para reuniões B2B entre empresas de jogos mundiais.

Esse evento cresceu muito nos últimos 4 anos. Com o grande aumento…

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ITS Game 2013 findet vom 27. bis 28. Juni 2013 im Sheraton-Walker-Hill Hotel Seoul statt

SEOUL, Südkorea, 27. Mai 2013 /PRNewswire/ — ITS Game 2013 wird von der KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) veranstaltet und gilt unter internationalen Spieleunternehmen für B2B-Meetings als ein Ereignis.

Diese Veranstaltung hat in den letzten 4 Jahren enorm an…

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Modular Data Center Market (Micro Data Center, Data Center Retrofit; Datacenter Cooling Module; Power Module; Data Module; Generator Module]: Global Advancements, Market Forecasts & Analysis (2013 – 2018)

NEW YORK, May 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Modular Data Center Market (Micro Data Center, Data Center Retrofit; Datacenter Cooling Module; Power Module; Data Module; Generator Module]: Global…

View more at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/modular-data-center-market-micro-data-center-data-center-retrofit-datacenter-cooling-module-power-module-data-module-generator-module-global-advancements-market-forecasts–analysis-2013—2018-209062271.html

IBC anuncia a los ponentes de la London Technology Booster y el seminario web interactivo de antes del evento

LONDRES, 27 de mayo de 2013 /PRNewswire/ — IBC ha revelado hoy que en la fase previa a su nuevo evento de tecnología de emisión, la IBC London Technology Booster, se llevará a cabo una emisión web gratuita titulada “Is the Cloud a Friend or Foe For Connected…

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Paul Chehade – IMAGINE, It’s better to have a dream than no dream at all

Paul Chehade – The spirit of crisis that has swept the country but offers us a chance to imagine how our country could be.

Imagine Washington DC not being dominated by lobbyists, lawyers, PACs, money, lifetime bureaucrats, media consultants and political hacks.

Imagine a Congress that operated under term limits so that high quality people ran for election, knowing that they were giving the country six years of service, rather than seeking a lifetime profession.


View more at http://www.1888pressrelease.com/paul-chehade-imagine-it-s-better-to-have-a-dream-than-no-pr-473185.html


Paul Chehade – “With our nation now over $16.4 TRILLION in debt, it’s never been more important the Federal Reserve’s abuses are exposed to the American people once and for all.”

The only and first ever audit of the federal reserve was a partial audit. That’s right, the federal reserve, controller and dictator of the nation’s fiat (based on “trust”) currency, federal funds rate, and motivator of deficit spending ,malinvestment, and artificial GDP growth, has only been partially audited once, and never fully audited by an ou..

View more at http://www.1888pressrelease.com/paul-chehade-audit-the-federal-reserve-2013-pr-473186.html

Paul Chehade – Immigration reform severs family ties

Paul Chehade – The time for immigration reform is now.

The current bill is weakened by the fact that it limits the ability for some parents to bring their children here, and it eliminates the right for siblings to sponsor their brothers and sisters. These two visa categories already have some of our longest wait times – the backlog is up to 24 years.

Imagine the human toll if this policy takes place..

View more at http://www.1888pressrelease.com/paul-chehade-immigration-reform-severs-family-ties-pr-473187.html

Masonry Company on Long Island, Flawless Masonry, Recently Updated their Website with New Services

Long Island Masons, Flawless Masonry, recently updated their website with new services.

A resident or a soon-to-be-owner is constantly on the lookout to better the appearance of the home for personal and financial reasons. Masonry plays a vital role in manifesting different designs with bricks incorporating state-of-the-art design techniques and landscaping for a better exterior.

Flawless Masonry’s services such as masonry work inc..

View more at http://www.1888pressrelease.com/masonry-company-on-long-island-flawless-masonry-recently-u-pr-473176.html

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