Laughing at His Nightmare with Spinal Muscular Atrophy – Shane Burcaw
Shane Burcaw, the author of Laughing at My Nightmare, comes to Boston to speak on the challenges he faces as a 21-year-old with spinal muscular atrophy on the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3rd, 2016. Shane will be accompanied by the co-founder of Laughing at My Nightmare, Sarah Yunusov to discuss positivity when faced with adversity.
Shane Burcaw is Laughing At His Nightmare in Boston
Shane Burcaw and Sarah Yunusov, the founders of Laughing at My Nightmare, are coming to NTI’s, 31 Nights of Light Event, honoring the achievements of individuals with disabilities. NTI is the leader in placing Americans with Disabilities back into the workplace. Shane and Sarah will discuss ove..
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