Innovo Publishing LLC Releases The Up-to-Date, Long-Ago Biblical Book of Ruth by Jim Townsend

Innovo Publishing LLC released The Up-to-Date, Long-Ago Biblical Book of Ruth, a series of expository sermons on Ruth, complete with usable illustrations This book is available now in the U.S. and internationally in paperback, Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iPad/iPhone, Google Android, and other smartphone-compatible editions.

Innovo Publishing LLC released a new Christian title, The Up-to-Date, Long-Ago Biblical Book of Ruth, written by Jim Townsend. This book does not attempt to supply prefabricated sermons. However, the modern examples included here will hopefully trigger the reader’s mind to think of closer-to-home, real-life illustrations.

The Up-to-Date, Long-Ag..

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