Dr. A.J Farshchian ,MD|Board Certified-Best Rated South Florida -17 Years 5000 cases|Regenerative Medicine-Live Cell Therapy-Stem Cell Derivative Eye Drops -Michael Jackson’s Doctor

Alimorad Farshchian MD (born April 2, 1962) is a medical doctor, medical author and humanitarian in Miami Florida. He is director of The Center for Regenerative Medicine, which he founded in 2000 in order to pursue pioneering regimens in the treatment of arthritis and neurodegenerative diseases. In 2005 he performed the first autologous live cell transplantation into an arthritic knee in U.S.A.

The center’s primary objective is to help patients to get back to a functional level of life and their activities using autologous stem cells. We have developed non-surgical and rehabilitation techniques focused on treatment and management of variety diseases. Our team includes health professionals organized around a central theme joint pain.


View more at https://www.1888pressrelease.com/dr-a-j-farshchian-md-board-certified-best-rated-south-flor-pr-648762.html

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